
San Diego River

July 1, 2016

First new photos of 2016. Feeling a bit rusty.


April 7, 2016

I haven’t been taking many “serious” photos lately, but I have been a bit busy on Instagram.


March 23, 2016

I’ve got a folder in Lightroom called “Possibilities” where I put photos that I want to think about for a while. I’ve decided to add these to my Lost in the Desert portfolio, so I guess that would make them “Probablies” for now. My website and Lightroom are both a mess and need some serious housekeeping.

By my calculations, I haven’t made a trip out to the desert since April 2015, which is a bummer.

Barcelona, 2009

December 16, 2015

More or less the only good photo from the aforementioned trip to Barcelona.